RUUAEN Concertina

Concertina Razor Wire Fence

Concertina razor wire can be used not only as a protective barrier mounted on top of the fence, but also as the fence itself. If your facility does not yet have a fence, and you plan to install an engineering perimeter protection system, then you should pay attention to the Egoza barbed wire fence This fence both encloses the perimeter of the facility and protects it. At the same time, it is possible to supplement it with a classic Bruno spiral made of the same Concertina razor wire, which is quite implied by the design and will provide an additional level of protection.

Concertina razor wire fence.

As you can see in the picture, the fence consists of individual strips of Concertina razor wire, fastened together at the intersections with staples made of galvanized steel wire. The resulting razor wire mesh can be built into a metal frame of certain dimensions or rolled into a roll like a Rabitz mesh.

Naturally, such fences can be made of Egoza razor wire and other types of razor wire. It depends on the purpose of the fence. But the use of Egoza razor wire as a basis for this fence is obviously the most justified due to the low price of this type of barbed wire, its high quality and efficiency. This is especially true for Concertina razor wire made using the original method of Tkachenko Yu.V. - Ukrainian patent for invention No. 95130 "Method and stamp for manufacturing razor tape" class B21F 25/00 - Manufacturing barbed wire.