RUUAEN Concertina

Concertina - General and Technical Information

Concertina - general and technical information.

Currently, conventional barbed wire has been replaced by razor wire, or as it is also called, Egoza razor wire. Egoza razor wire is the most common type of barbed wire. Here we are talking about one of the types of Egoza razor wire - Concertina razor wire. What is it, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of barbed wire compared to the popular Egoza razor wire.

On this site you can learn in detail about Concertina razor wire. About the process of its manufacture and the proprietary technologies used, which can significantly improve the quality of the final product and at the same time reduce its cost. And here you will also find recommended materials that high-quality barbed wire should consist of. This site is not an advertising resource for Concertina razor wire. Its purpose is a complete description of this type of razor wire, the pros and cons of concertina and engineering security systems made on its basis.

Within the framework of this site, we are talking about Concertina razor wire, made using the proprietary technology of Tkachenko Yu.V. (Ukrainian patent for invention No. 95130 "Method and stamp for manufacturing razor tape" class B21F 25/00 - Manufacturing barbed wire. This invention pertains to hardware production, or more precisely to the production and technologies of razor tapes.)

Concertina razor wire (Egoza) is manufactured and supplied in Ukraine by several companies using a technology that allows to significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing razor wire. Among them, it is worth noting the Caiman Production Group, Kiev, which is one of the leading manufacturers of modern barbed wire under the Concertina trademark, including AKL Concertina, as well as the Alligator company, which supplies razor wire and security barriers throughout Ukraine.